Mission Cultivate

We strengthen small businesses to strengthen our communities.
It's Marketing. It's Finance. It's a Growth Model.
It's a Movement.
A tall brick building

The Mission

If we work together, we can build and strengthen our communities.

Small businesses are the backbone of America. They employ the majority of the population and their revenue is more beneficial to our communities. If that's the case, why don’t we do a better job of challenging big business?

The easy answer is “convenience”, but the real answer is that we’re set up to fail. We live in a society that lends itself to big business. This presents an opportunity to shift the paradigm.

We believe in making an unfair playing field, fair again. We believe we can build strong communities ourselves, because the government isn’t going to do it for us.

This is our mission.
This is our battle cry.
Let’s band together and build together.

For every $100 dollars spent at a local business, $68 will stay in the community.

For national chains, it's only $431
A blue and orange dollar sign showing that local businesses give back more to their community than national chains

91% of local business owners contribute to their community

through schools, non-profits, community groups, volunteering, and donations.2
A chart showing 91 percent

Small businesses employ more than 52% of the nation's employees.3

A chart showing 52 percent

Small business. Big deal.

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The Movement

We believe in standing with the underdog.  Even when society is stacked against them.

We live in a world where the best and brightest minds dedicate their lives to making big businesses bigger. These businesses have all the resources they need. Their annual marketing budgets are 7-8 digits. They have brick and mortar locations in every major area. They get super bowl commercials and A-list celebrity endorsements. The menu at McDonald's shows 9 cups of coffee in the morning because they have data to prove that that sells more coffee!

It's not fair, really.

Walmart averages a profit of
per hour4
With over 750 watercraft, Disney has the
largest navy in the world5
On average, Starbucks has launched 2 locations per day for the last 25 years.6
1 in 10 European babies are conceived in an IKEA bed.7
Every day, about 1% of the population of the entire planet eats at McDonald's.8
I'm hatin' it.

We stand with
the underdog.

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The Method

We strengthen businesses by showing them how to make and manage money.

Mission Cultivate offers a unique collaboration of Marketing and Finance leadership to help your business grow by managing the money your business has and making more of it.

A Venn Diagram showing Strong Business equals make money plus Manage money

The Method - Growth Orientation

Start with Strategy.

Our Growth Orientation method makes us different. Through a series of workshops held over Discovery Days, we orient a business around strength and prepare it to grow.

Discovery Day

Know thyself.
Know thy customers.

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Customer Journey

Shapes connected by lines

Persona Map

Be the hero in their story.

Customer Empathy Map

A colorful chart
Icons depicting various brand attributes


Financial Forecast

A chart with an arrow going up

Fire Drills

"Fire Drills" are all about removing the major barriers to growth. Business owners usually have a list of "I need this done asap" items. Let's put out those fires so we can focus on what matters. Growth.

Know Your Worth

Let's take time to think about you - the business owner. Not business operations.

Tax Planning Milestones

Reduce your relationship with the IRS and save big on your taxes.

Define Success

Regardless of what success looks like to you, we can help you achieve it.

Growth Model

It's all in the Growth Model.

All of the insights gathered from Discovery Day come together in your custom growth model.

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###Replace this###
###with a real stat###

Grow with the flow.

Scale with Mission Cultivate
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The Method - Growth Activation

Strategies come Alive.

Our Growth Activation method brings the Growth Model to life. We leverage new and existing resources, teams, and structure to drive growth and strength. By easing the load of daily operations, we restore your capacity to work on your business - not just in it.

Strategic Thought Leadership

Great strategy
precedes great execution. Stay on strategy, drive execution.
A pink and purple brain

Full Ecosystem Expertise

We know our sh*t.

Tactical Partner Management

Marketing agency, copywriter, designer, photographer, CPA, bookkeeper, attorney, patent, life coach, tax filer, insurance advisor, property broker, to name a few.

Let us manage them for you.
Many people connected to Mission Cultivate

Foundational Analytics

Know your data.
Grow your business.

Brand Building

Your "why" is the superpower behind your brand. We'll help you find it and execute on it.

Let's Grow Together.

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The Moment

It's Marketing.
It's Finance.
It's a Growth Model.
Let's strengthen your business. Let's strengthen our communities.

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Mission Cultivate

We are the backbone of America. Not them.

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